BEST Innovation Course

Innovation Healthcare

Reshaping education: The time has come


90 students accepted annually

Onsite course : 1 week
Students or Graduates in Medecine, Sciences, Business and Economics


The B.E.S.T. program was created in 2012. Our objective is to educate our audience in  Minimally Invasive Surgical Strategies (MISS), regardless of their professional background, to make this training appealing, and to spur surgical innovation. Education is provided through the Business Engineering and Surgical Technologies (B.E.S.T) education program, using the web and courses presented by the IHU Strasbourg, France.


Step 1

Register on EVE

Online library

Step 2

Follow the online lectures available for each of the five modules - progressive release


Step 3

Apply for a chance to join the Onsite BEST Innovation Course. Pick your dates and location :

- July 28 - August 1, 2025: IRCAD Taïwan

- August 25-29, 2025: IHU Strasbourg, France

- To Be Announced: IRCAD Barretos, Brazil


Combine the best
learning methods

to learn, practice
and improve yourself

On-line 24/7 learning
platform with interactive
and video sessions


Basics of Laparoscopy

This chapter covers the fundamentals of laparoscopic surgery for students, residents, and healthcare professionals regardless their background.
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Laparoscopic Procedures

In this chapter, you will be immersed in basic laparoscopic techniques and general surgical strategies explained step-by-step to increase your procedural knowledge and surgical anatomy.


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MIS Technologies

In this chapter, emerging technologies are emphasized in order to advance new minimally invasive surgical strategies.

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Entrepreneurship: How To Get Started - Part II

Entrepreneurship in surgical innovation aims to engage students to become acquainted with definitions and concepts that include the innovation process, regulatory issues, patent law, and the market forces that impact the healthcare innovation proc

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Access to online lectures is free of charge.

A fee applies for the onsite BEST week attendance. Amount varies according to location.